This ankle boot features a soft suede and sweater knit upper with a faux-fur trim, side zip closure and a Skechers Air-Cooled Memory Foam® cushioned insole.
Este botín cuenta con una parte superior de punto de gamuza suave y suéter con un ribete de piel sintética, cierre de cremallera lateral y una plantilla acolchada Skechers Air-Cooled Memory Foam®.
Diese Stiefelette verfügt über ein weiches Obermaterial aus Veloursleder und Pulloverstrick mit Kunstfellbesatz, seitlichem Reißverschluss und einer Skechers Air-Cooled Memory Foam® gepolsterte Innensohle.
מגף קרסול זה כולל זמש רך וסוודר סרוג עליון עם עיטור דמוי פרווה, סגירת רוכסן צדדית ומדרס מרופד Skechers Air-Cooled Memory Foam®.
يتميز هذا الحذاء بطول الكاحل بجزء علوي من الشمواه الناعم ونسيج السويتر مع زخرفة من الفرو الصناعي وإغلاق بسحاب جانبي ونعل داخلي مبطن بتقنية اير كولد ميموري فوم® من سكيتشرز.
Esta bota de cano curto possui uma camurça macia e parte superior de malha com um acabamento de pele sintética, fecho de zíper lateral e uma palmilha acolchoada Skechers Air-Cooled Memory Foam®.
这款及踝靴采用柔软的绒面革和毛衣针织鞋面,搭配人造皮饰边,侧拉链开合和 Skechers Air-Cooled Memory Foam® 缓震鞋垫。
這款踝靴採用柔軟的麂皮和毛衣針織鞋面,搭配仿毛皮飾邊、側拉鍊和 Skechers Air-Cooled Memory Foam® 緩衝鞋墊。
이 앵클 부츠는 부드러운 스웨이드와 스웨터 니트 갑피, 인조 모피 트림, 측면 지퍼 클로저, 스케쳐스 에어 쿨링 메모리 폼® 쿠션 안창이 특징입니다.
Made in the USA or Imported
Rubber sole
Shaft measures approximately Ankle from arch
Boot opening measures approximately 9″ around
Relaxed Fit for a roomy comfort fit at toe and forefoot
Skechers Air-Cooled Memory Foam cushioned comfort insole
Treated with 3M Scotchgard to resist water and stains
3-inch top width for a 9-inch top circumference
Elasticized panel with side zip closure
Specification: Skechers Women’s Easy Going-Warmhearted Ankle Boot, Dark Natural, 8
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